Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Social media: What do your accounts say about you?

Great Article below, originally posted by, Alpha Chi Omega Alumna, Audra Meyer on her blog. The article sheds light on the aspects of social media, and what you can do to ensure that social media sites portray your best image.
A Twitter friend, Lauren Gray, recommended Socioclean.com about a month ago. (If you’re not following her, you should be! She always suggests awesome articles!) I just had a chance to use it and was a bit surprised by the results.

According to this article on the Huffington Post, “SocioClean lets you scan all your different online social networks and then delete the offending items. Taking into consideration the landscape of a universe where it’s all too easy to broadcast the dirty minutia of your real life online, SocioClean helps you monitor and maintain your Internet presence.”

Here, I thought I had a fairly sterile Facebook profile. Turns out, I received a D! Most of that was from other people’s posts on my wall, but a few of my posts came up under the various categories, “Racial, Alcohol/Drugs, Sexual (butt does count), Aggression and Profanity.” I used the word pissed a few times and it took all the tennis posts that mentioned ball and misconstrued it. As for friends mentioning wine and beer, I’ll admit I have a few status posts mentioned the Wine Cellar and Bistro or the Hermann Wine and Chocolate trail (two automatic hits).

In all 14 wall posts made the list, one group, 9 photos (the comments on the photos, not the actual photo), 24 status posts (including two about heat stroke and one about strep throat). If that gives you a D, I’m curious about what the average score is and how other people fair. I also hope the search filter will eventually be expanded to go before 2009.

I was surprised at the nostalgia this search brought up and pleased with how easy it was to click on the offending status posts and either delete them or untag myself from the photos.
Bottom line: If you’re looking for a job or have to use your personal Facebook profile to manage company pages, it wouldn’t hurt to run this search just to see what’s out there.

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