Alë Gonzales is currently interning at The Immokalee Foundation (TIF), a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide better educational opportunities for the children of Immokalee, Florida.
"The organization has three sectors; their readers program which is centered around elementary school aged children, their Take Stock in Children sector which focuses on middle/high school success, and their post-secondary program which guides students through college or a vocational pathway. I'll be working with the post-secondary sector, organizing collegiate information so that students have all the information necessary in order to decide what they would like to do after high school.
"TIF is also heavily involved in the lives of alumni and ensuring alumni success so I will also be reaching out to alumni concerning their current status, and at times asking for testimonies so that current students are able to visualize and realize their goals. This is an amazing opportunity for me as I am a double major in International Affairs and Business Management and this will serve as a learning experience about careers in development and relief and what it will be like as I further my education."