Wednesday, November 30, 2016

McKayla Michaud #seniorSpotlight #WCW

Senior McKayla exemplifies all of AXO's five values. The chapter will be so sad to see her graduate in April. At Beta Eta, she served as the first vice president of collegiate recruitment information, VP-CRI, for the chapter during the Fall 2016 Recruitment. She set the bar so high by leading with fairness, class, compassion, and a calm personality. Currently, McKayla interns at Southeastern Plastic Surgery where alumna Kristen works.

Other fantastic highlights about McKayla:  She attended AXO Convention; she worked on a MEDLife trip to Peru, and she received a Melbourne Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship.

Mckayla is second from the left

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Philanthropy #TBT - #LighttheNight and more for #WhyAlphaChiWednesday

Thank you Taylor Dake for organizing the chapter's 2016 Light the Night Team

Taylor, Panhellenic sister Jaime (KKG), Morgan and Sarah

2015 Light the Night with Janelle, Amanda and Danielle
2015 Light the Night with Courtney, Sari, Lindsey and Tati

#TBT Spring 2015:  Alpha Phi Omega - "Wear Teal" for Sexual Assault Awareness Month - #AltruisticAXO Alex D, Lauren F, Kelsey H

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Yasmine Humeda- Intern through the CRISP Program

Yasmine Humeda is currently interning through the CRISP program, a clinical research internship

"I work under a preceptor who is a physician and also conducts research at the Mayo clinic. His name is Dr. Pujalte and is a family and sports medicine physician. I am now a co-author for one of his studies. I also came up with my own study that I am currently conducting and he will by my co-author. I will be presenting my research at a conference in Philadelphia in September. I am so excited for this amazing opportunity!"

My first week as an intern at Mayo Clinic has been one of the most incredible weeks of my life. Conducting research at this amazing establishment has been a dream of mine. I can truly say that the reality of being here is even better than that of my dreams. I hope that one day this place will be my home but next time as a Family Medicine physician