Pizza Pie with Alpha Chi is an event our sisters look forward to every year, making it even more special considering that it falls on Healthy Relationships Week. These hands don't hurt, but instead, they serve pizza!! The proceeds from Pizza Pie go towards both the Tallahassee Refuge House and the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation, with both organizations helping to bring awareness to domestic violence and help those in need. This year our sisters raised a whopping total of $4,904 to help benefit these organizations. Not only did our sisters advertise Pizza Pie on different social media platforms during the weeks leading up to the event, but they sold over 500 tickets during the pre-sale before the actual event alone. Along with this, different organizations within Greek life at Florida State purchased over 300 tickets as a whole, helping to show their support for other members of the Greek community. Along with the money that our sisters worked to raise, we sold many tickets at the event itself, along with receiving multiple, generous donations, which we are so grateful for.
The planning and hard work that went into this event just goes to show how powerful dedication to a worthy cause can be! The success that came from Pizza Pie went beyond our expectations, personally bringing me so much joy to see the difference we are able to make, right in front of my eyes. A big shout-out goes out to our new VP of Philanthropy, Jessi Bonadurer, her philanthropy committee, the 70+ sisters that volunteered at Pizza Pie, our VP of PR & Marketing, Julianna Vargas, and our T-shirt Chair, Sabrina Loiacono, for collaborating to design such amazing shirts and advertisements for the event, and everyone else who helped to make Pizza Pie possible. Thank you all so much for helping us to bring awareness to domestic violence while celebrating Healthy Relationships Week.
All the love from the 518 !!!