Thursday, October 28, 2010

Commit to Help End Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is almost over but our commitment continues.

Domestic violence and relationship abuse are serious social problems. Join our national Alpha Chi Omega effort and take a stance against these issues by signing the pledge. Together we can bring hope to many around the world by revealing what’s broken…and showing what’s Real.

Your Commitment

I have the right to be treated with respect.

To know me will be to experience a voice that is respectful.

I recognize that relationship abuse is a problem and commit to stand strong in the courage of my convictions. I will not be silent.

I pledge to educate myself and others about the causes and forms of domestic violence.

I will talk with my friends, family and loved ones about healthy relationships.

I will lead by example and teach that strength, confidence, and worth come from within. On the one hand, I will inspire. In turn, I will be inspired.

I commit to helping build a community that does not tolerate violence.

I acknowledge that all people deserve to live in a safe and loving environment.

I accept the challenge to become part of the solution. Ending domestic violence starts with me.

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