Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alpha Chi Omega State Day 2013

On Saturday, February 23 the executive board of Alpha Chi Omega attended Florida State Day 2013. At this event executive boards from all seven Florida chapters attended. The day started out with check in and a nice breakfast in which everyone was able to mingle and introduce themselves to women from different chapters. The program officially started at 9 AM with a presentation about our individual strengths. Before everyone came to State Day, we were asked to complete STRENGTHSQUEST, which is a personality test.  The speaker, Rosalie Carpenter, was fantastic! During the presentation we had the opportunity to talk with women from other chapters as well as from our own chapter about our strengths. By completing this exercise we all learned so much about each other and this will really help all of the executive boards work better together as a team.  

Once the presentation on strengths was over, we had the pleasure of meeting the granddaughter of Nellie Gamble Childe, one of the founders of Alpha Chi Omega! It was such an amazing opportunity and truly fascinating to hear her speak about Nellie. After that excitement was done the day continued in full force. For the remainder of the day, everyone split up into three breakout sessions that were each around an hour long. State Day prided itself in that it was not another conference in which all we talked about was Alpha Chi for the entire day. Therefore, the sessions focused more on topics that would help sisters improve themselves and then be able to bring these improvements back to their chapters. The sessions ranged from topics on social media, personal finance, representing the real you, conflict management, and more! At the end of the day, everyone gathered together again and there were raffle prizes given away and the winners of the silent auction were announced. Overall, State Day was a wonderful experience and everyone took a great amount away with them that they can bring to their chapters!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Nicole! I know Beta Eta alumnae will be thrilled to see what the chapter is busy doing :)
