Thursday, May 12, 2011

Collegiate Spotlight- University Of Alabama Greeks

Today I have to share what the Greek Students at University of Alabama have been working on since the Tornadoes hit their community. It is truly amazing, how the entire Greek System rallied together for the good of their community. From each sorority collecting different items, to various fraternity houses cooking, to hundreds of students volunteering. It was truly a labor of love, and one that I am proud to share!

UA Greek Relief!! Together they provided over 52,000 hot meals to the victims and relief workers of Tuscaloosa. Please note the "job" is far from over. It will take years for the city to recover. Please visit for more ways to help

And for those Alpha Chi's reading All of U of A Alpha Chi staff and members are accounted for and safe. However 2 staff members lost everything. The chapter has set up an account at at Bryant Bank in town called Alpha Chi Omega Relief Fund to assist those staff members. Checks can be mailed to Caroline Fulmer  (one of the advisers) at AXO at PO Box 861448, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486.

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