Friday, October 11, 2013

Unmasking Domestic Violence Gala

Did you know that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime? October is domestic violence awareness month, and the ladies of Alpha Chi Omega are doing everything they can to share this with the world. As a way to shed light upon their philanthropy, Alpha Chi Omega held their first Unmasking Domestic Violence Gala, in which the turnout was nothing short of a success!

Taking place this past Friday night, friends, family, faculty and alumnae all gathered together in the University Club for the big event. The night kicked off with a piano performance by a fellow sister, followed by a Jazz band that got people on their feet. Dinner and dessert were provided, and the drinks were continuously flowing. Meanwhile, the bidding was never ending in our silent auction, making for a remarkable turnout. By the end of the night, Alpha Chi Omega had the honor of presenting a grand total of $11,887.73 to the local woman’s refuge house! This increases the total donations of Alpha Chi Omega at Florida State University to a new cumulative total of $87,019.24! With the help of Darley Aquino, VP Philanthropy, and Ashley Strawser, VP Membership Programming, Alpha Chi Omega put on just the kind of night they had been hoping for.  

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