Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring Break Mission Trips!

Over Spring Break, two of our sisters went on mission trips. Jenn Coates travelled to Grenada, where she worked with a school called PAM (program for adolescent mothers). Hannah Emerson went to Riobamba, Ecuador on a MEDlife trip.

Jenn says, “girls get kicked out of school in Grenada for being pregnant so here they are able to get a ‘second chance.’ It has a day care for them to bring their children and it gives them an education as well as teach them parenting skills. When we got there, we taught about teen dating violence, so like healthy relationships, boundaries, etc. We also taught about character development, so like future goals that they had, obstacles they had to go through, and better ways of communication.”

Hannah says, “we had 3 days of clinic, which included treating patients of all ages as well as teaching the children how to brush their teeth. We had one project day where we built concrete stairs that lead and down a mountain for a community. It is incredible that in a country only a short plane ride away, everything is different. My favorite part of the trip was witnessing the impact that simple healthcare made for the different people and communities. This trip reminded me of what a privilege it is to have access to things that many of us take for granted such as running water, food and healthcare. It was amazing seeing that such a minor thing such as a toothbrush or a sticker could make a child's day.”

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